Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aurora and Evolution

You may know that Aurora means northern and southern lights. It is one of the most beautiful things in nature. To us, Aurora means dream of fantasy. What it means is the result of graphic design meets modeling photos. When these two things blend together, the outcome is usually STUNNING and full of EXCITEMENT. We do not have a guideline for this kind of creation, it is all about how the graphic designer feels about the photo. Of course, you can request what you hope to see in the image and we will try our best to fulfill your wish. In the end, all we are trying to do is to make the knights and dames to look more stunning in the battlefield.

Aurora Dream

As for the word Evolution, it is equal to the word Concept. We consider every concept shoot an evolution because we always like to put a twist on an ordinary concept. With the twisted concept, everything becomes more interesting and people will be amazed when they see the final result from our production.  Currently we have a few concept shoot that are in their draft stage and we are excited to make each concept into reality.


We have covered all the terms that you need to know from our group. Now let's have a quick recap of those words:

Knight of Dusk - Male Model
Dame of Virtue - Female Model
Aurora - Graphic Photos
Evolution - Concept Shoot
Icon - Exhibition Shoot

Keep following this blog because you will never know what to expect in the next entry.  Also check out flickr images on your left to see more photos from our photographer, Astro Marus.

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