Monday, May 17, 2010

[Un]Discovers: Mike Howkins

Today marks the midway point of the of the 7 artists I like and I am excited to introduce you to Mike Howkins. His point drawing technique has totally caught my eyes in his first exhibit and later I have discovered he likes to draw big eyes portraits too. Now, let's read what kind of questions I have for him as an artist.

Don't underestimate your attachment to yourself

Hey Mike, so tell me about what has influenced your drawing style?
I’m big on automatic drawing, that’s where a lot of my ideas come from. My style has been evolving naturally for a long time; I just try to keep my head out of the process by not interfering or forcing anything.

I am the walrus

Automatic drawing, that's a good influence. Well, I see a lot of big eyed portraits from your work. How did you come up with this concept?
The over exaggerated eyes in my portraits is something that I gravitated towards subconsciously. For me they represent innocence, a type of wide-eyed, naïve, purity that usually exists within children. It’s about seeing the world for what it is.

Love Factory

Big eyes seems to be the iconic symbol for innocence and believe in this theory too. I realize when it comes to black and white drawing, your style is totally different. Are you trying to give the black and white drawing a different theme? If so, what is that theme about?
With my drawings there is usually an underlying message. But sometimes there isn’t, at least one that I didn’t intend on or realize. I love the simplicity of black and white and how direct it can be without the distraction or influence of color. But I’m not knocking color in the slightest, I love color!

I like to try and infuse my own whimsical-wisdom and subtle insights into my drawings, although I’m not claiming to be a great source of either. I think it’s mainly a way for me to try and connect with other human beings. As long as somebody get’s something from it I feel as though I’ve succeeded.


Let me tell you, I do see some of the messages behind some of your works and the interpretation can be unlimited. What are you currently working on right now? Can you provide some details to me?
Right now, I’m planning on participating in a few art fairs that will be happening in Toronto over the summer and into the fall. I would like to get into writing/illustrating children’s books in the not too distant future. I’m also in the process of getting a real website up and running, that is huge for me. As for work, I’m always working on something new, either drawings or concepts and I’m always accepting commissions. .

Rain Maker

Children's books? That will be interesting to see how your style will fit into this kind of book. I am excited to see it! If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would you want to collaborate with and what do you think the theme would be?
I would definitely have to say Sas Christian as she is amazingly talented and one of my favorites. The theme would be me learning how to paint. I would just watch her paint and take notes. Many notes.

Untitled Foever

I wish this collaboration will happen soon. Are you planning to put your prints onto shirts in the future? If so, when will you expect this line to be launched?
I have been considering whether or not to make the transition to T-shirts for a while now. I have plans to turn a few deigns into shirts as an experimental thing and I guess I’ll take it from there.

Machine guns on my face
After asking him some questions regarding him as an artist, I am curious if he will have prospective towards life. Here are some questions I have for him on a more personal level.

Tarzan or Tron?

Milk or Cream?
Milk, in tea, with biscuits.

Vintage or Futuristic?
Futuristic for flying abilities. Vintage for musical taste.

Toronto or Montreal?
Depends on Montreal’s croissant situation.

Yellow or Blue?
Yellow is the sun and we wouldn’t have blue without it. So yellow.
Japanese Manga or American Comics? I was always into pogs.

Who is all the whales??

Alien or Predator?
kindergarten Cop and Total Recall.

Science Fiction Movies or Comedy?
Combine them and you get: Total recall!

Hockey or Soccer?
Soccer, soccer, soccer.

KFC or McDonald's?
I’d be ecstatic to see both go bankrupt.


These answers have totally made my day! I am so honored to be able to do an interview with Mike Howkins and I am looking forward to see his new works soon. I wish him all the best in the future! All art works are courtesy of Mike Howkins.

1 comment:

  1. Those would be some tripping kids books.


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