Friday, June 4, 2010

Trendology: Umbro World Champion Collection

To celebrate the upcoming World Cup event, Umbro has surprised me with this formula to create their limited edition products: fashion x graphic design x football (or as you can call it soccer).

I am very lucky to be able to head to Gotstyle to check out the Umbro World Champion Collection and this visit has totally changed my point of view on football jersey. Instead of the loose fit looks which I am sure a lot of people will have this impression for football jersey, Umbro is blending fashion elements into them to give the fitted look. I always believe fitted look will give people confidence so I am absolute behind this idea. The detailing is simply amazing and I am loving the breathing holes on the shirts which makes the jersey functionally and edgy at the same time.

Description of each crest

Description of each crest

As for this World Cup edition, Umbro has invited 7 artists from 7 countries whic have won the World Cup before to create a crest to represent their own country and how they view football. These artists include Tanino Liberatore (Italy), Fernando Chamarellli (Brazil), Marok (Germany), ZZK Records (Argentina), Martin Albornoz (Uruguay), Ben Eine (England) and Andre (France). Each crest does have a cultural story behind it (for Uruguay, is all about their winning against Brazil in the 1st World Cup) and I am fascinated by them. Out of all the crests, my eyes are drawn to the England, France and Italy ones. Later, I also discover Ben Eine has actually collaborated with Banksy before and this has totally made my day!

Ben Eine (England)

Andre (France)

ZK Records (Argentina)

Marok (Germany)

Fernando Chamarellli (Brazil)

Tanino Liberatore (Italy)

Martin Albornoz (Uruguay)

To celebrate this great collection, Umbro has also invited the one and only Rankin (now this whole collection is tied to everything about this blog: arts, fashion and photography) to shoot the promotion campaign. This campaign is based on 1967 campaign and this time it features 7 ladies whom have "dated or married an international footballers from one of the seven countries". The names include Luli Fernandez (Argentina), Susana Werner (Brazil), Abbey Clancy (England), Charlene Suric (France), Julia Godicke (Germany), Alice Bregoli (Italy) and Zaira Nara (Uruguay). This photo can be seen on the wall in the Gotstyle store and I am sure you don't want to miss it!

The wives and girlfriends promotion campaign

This collection will be sold exclusively at Gotstyle (truly one of a kind collection!) and if you want meet Gerald Woodman, the president of Umbro Canada, make sure you go on Saturday for the launch date of this collection! Thank you to much to Mel, Gerald, Reggie, Gotstyle team and Umbro team for giving me such a wonderful experience at the store!

Courtesy of Marcus Kan

To end this entry, here is the video of Gerald talking about this collection!

Courtesy of Gotstylemenswear

Now, who is your favorite country?

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