Friday, August 10, 2012

Ray of Inspirology: Lane Crawford F/W 2012 Campaign

As a person who once lived in Hong Kong, I always have a special place for Lane Crawford in my heart. This is basically one of the department stores that opened my eyes to the fashion world when I was small (oh, I still remember you, the neon Thierry Mugler top). Recently, the department store has released the F/W campaign shot by Nick Knight and features Asian supermodels Ming Xi, Wang Xiao, Xiao Wen Ju. I really like the "ink"/swirl effect on the images as it makes the girls look like they are in fluid form. A fun, edgy and classy campaign and I love the clothes selections on the girls. I wish Holt Renfrew could be doing something like that for the store's campaign in the future too.

Courtesy of Lane Crawford

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